Empowering our children with comfort to demolish fears


Having a refusal to live in fear and intimidation is a must for healthy children. In making peace with God, you must not die until you fufill the purpose that was destined for you. We live unto God, and in dying we fall asleep. Death is not the end for children of God, they will go to heaven.

  1. You are Special. We must help our children understand that they are wonderfully made by the God of all love and that their design is one of a kind. Being made like no other, that they have a very special gift to touch the lives of others around them. That God designed them with a very special purpose in His thoughts. They are meant to be a blessing to others, therefore we need one another.

  2. You are loved. God cares for the birds and He cares for you. God has given the best of heaven for mankind. No matter what life brings your way, know that you are loved and that you are very special to God. God has a way designed to make the wrongs into right. God never stops loving them, it does not matter what happens in life. His love gives them the power to carry on and live life in a bigger way.

    We must paint a picture of God’s love to our children and help them to understand that life is not all about pain, but life can be filled with special times and more life in eternity.

  3. God’s Timing. Different times and seasons of life have different purposes, which God can use to prepare His children for life events. God never promised that each day on earth would be like it is in heaven. At times the people of God may go through periods of uncertainty, doubt, fear, being perplexed, or puzzled. Even though they may not always understand what God is up to, know that He’s always up to something great. He may not always give all the details either, but it’s all good when the story ends. We must explain to our children, that they don’t have to understand or to be pleased with the things that happen in this world. But, they must know that God is in control, and that our Heavenly Father knows best. For the most part, people hurt people out of the power of choice that God gave to mankind. God didn’t want us to be programmed robots. Sometimes when people have the power of choice, it makes for hurting others. However, it does not please God when people hurt one another.

    *For example, sometimes children may lie to their parents, for the fear that they think, that the parents may not love them anymore because they made a bad choice, which lead to a mistake. The loving parent knows that the child can talk with them about anything, even mistakes and still love them. God loves us when we don’t do it all just right, that’s love.

    The Lord will equalize all things at His second coming. In the meantime we can be God’s agents on the earth.

  4. Comfort. God is a God of all comfort and causes us to triumph. We must let our faith remain strong. God is not dead, He is still in control. God has allowed trials and tribulations to bring us closer to Him. We must teach them to depend on God for comfort and strength. We must refuse to live a life of fear and intimidation. We must provide an environment of stability and structure, so that our children can thrive. We teach them about a life of faith and how to have comfort.

    As we learn to speak words of comfort into the lives of our children, they learn lessons by the examples of how we respond to life issues.

  5. No Fear. Fear can hinder faith from working. We must teach our children to remain as little children in God’s eyes as we do the same. We need God, and we must stay as little children before Him.

    Children can sense at times their parents fear or confidence. Sometimes babies and small children will start to cry when they sense that the parent is upset.

    * A small child of a parent or even a child of God in full trust and comfort leads to perfect love without fear. For example, when throwing the baby up in the air and catching them, the baby is having a blast. The baby is not aware of any danger, and that parent is encouraging the child to laugh and enjoy. The parent knows when their arms get tired they must stop. Then they began to hug the child and keep them close. We must help our children feel that way, as God does the same for us.

  6. Angels Are All Around Us. God has given His angels charge concerning us. We have angels all around us. Some even have the forms of humans. Good angels help us. Bad angels are out to make God seem like He is mean, brings death, tragedy, does bad, doesn’t answer prayer, and is not concerned with our lives.

    God is concerned with every detail of our lives.

    We need to teaching our children that a battle of good and evil is still being waged, because at one time one/third of all God’s went bad by turning against Him. Help them to understand, that there are reasons why people do what they do.

    Understanding that, people who trust in God, can safely rest in His arms in comfort and confidence. We must help our children understand that they can’t forcibly change another person’s will. They must be willing to submit to God’s way of truth in living. Those who chose to love God are expected to love and treat everyone fairly, which provokes love and good in the earth.

  7. Touch of Heaven on Earth. As we pray to Our Father which is in heaven the door is open for God to work on earth as He does in heaven. This helps our children to understand that God gave man dominion over the earth.

    God never meant for our lives to be filled with hurt, pain, anger, sufferings and loss. God did not want to take away our power of choice. In going to heaven, He will make all the wrongs, right throughout all eternity. We must focus on the positive. God has given us so many things to enjoy. The comfort, peace, hope, help, salvation, and angels to watch over us are ways He stays close to us. It is a very beneficial thing to teach our children the Lord’s Prayer and help them to understand it in its fullness.

It’s not until we get to heaven will we know the full magnitude of our lives and how we impacted the lives of others. Things have a way of working out for our benefit when we love God.

*Even as we explain to our children some of the details of their birth, it how it does not compare to the joy they bring now. Truly, troubles don’t last always, joy comes in baskets full. The mother can explain that it was hard on her tummy being with the child, but seeing the precious look on that child’s face makes her forget about the tummy ache she had. The pain of one chapter opened the door to joy in the next chapter.

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